Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MAY it begin!

May has begun and I am counting down the days until I turn 33.
I think that it is rather funny that so many women think The "30's" are so old! I feel like me (always have) but I know that I've grown in so many ways!

Jason and I will be married 11 yrs this Friday and I love looking back at all the things that we have experience since! Time has flown but we truly have made a fabulous go of it!
So here's a photo of us then:
And here's a photo of us now:Hey we look great! A few pounds, wrinkles or gray hair may change a person physically but never spiritually. I love this guy! He's my big sweetie! He makes me laugh and makes me crazy! But he's wonderful! I love ya honey!


Laurel said...

One of THE best looking couples I know!! Congrats guys!

The Andersen Family said...


~Heidi~ said...

wow! I LOVE those pics.. you guys look so young! (and still do ;)) that's awesome!

My Giants!